Metalloinvest adopts Human Rights Policy

Metalloinvest adopts Human Rights Policy

Metalloinvest approved the Human Rights Policy, which defines the Company's approaches and principles to respect human rights. Respect for human rights is a fundamental principle of Metalloinvest's business, as well as the basis for relationships with all stakeholders. In its activities, the Company guarantees observance of labor and human rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, UN conventions and the International Labor Organization.

Sustainable development is the long-term economic success of the Company in combined with environmental protection, safety and health protection of workers and their families, as well as responsibility towards society. The company attaches great importance to the observance of human rights and guarantees their protection at all stages of the production process in accordance with international, national and internal documents.

Metalloinvest integrates sustainable development principles into its business strategy in order to improve efficiency and long-term sustainability business. The Company's strategic goals correlate with global trends in sustainable development, and the set of strategic initiatives implemented by Metalloinvest not only helps to solve business problems, but also contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Ensuring high product quality, compliance with legal and ethical issues of social and labor relations, building favorable business relationships with the regions of presence are traditionally areas of increased attention of the Company's management and priority areas for the development of corporate social responsibility practice.

“It is people who provide a sustainable future for business. Our goal is to make human rights support a part of every function of the Company, ”commented Yulia Mazanova, Director for Social Policy and Corporate Communications of Metalloinvest Management Company.

The Human Rights Policy document is available on the Company's corporate website : Sustainable Development