Metalloinvest's sustainability report was highly praised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Metalloinvest's sustainability report was highly praised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Metalloinvest's 2018 Sustainable Development Report "Leadership in an era of change" has undergone public assurance in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE).

According to the conclusion The RSPP Council for Non-Financial Reporting The report reflects the Company's key approaches to sustainable development management in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In preparing the Report, the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative for Sustainable Development (GRI), recognized in international and Russian practice, were used, which increases the comparability of information with the reports of other companies in the industry.

The report contains significant information regarding such aspects of responsible business practices as Economic freedom and responsibility; Business partnerships; Human rights; Conservation of the environment; Participation in the development of local communities, the Council of the RUIE notes. The Report takes into account the recommendations of the Council based on the results of public assurance of the previous report for 2017. The article includes information on the assessment of the effectiveness of external social programs by an expanded range of indicators, the topic of human rights observance is more fully disclosed, plans for the next reporting period in key areas of sustainable development are included.

“Sustainable development has become the basis of a long-term leadership strategy for our company,” says Yulia Mazanova, Director for Social Policy and Corporate Communications at Metalloinvest Management Company. - Successful development is possible only through partnership and the creation of shared values. Non-financial reporting helps us to inform all stakeholders about the Company's activities and involve them in joint work. The assurance of RSPP reporting contributes to the growth of confidence in the Company, improvement of the quality of information disclosure and increased transparency. "

Public assurance of non-financial reports is a tool for independent confirmation of information disclosed by companies on the implementation of the principles of responsible business conduct. The practice of public assurance of non-financial reports is gaining momentum around the world.

Since 2009, the RUIE Council for Non-Financial Reporting has carried out a procedure for public certification of 147 reports from 42 companies.

The Council for Non-Financial Reporting includes representatives of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, universities, audit companies, rating agencies, consultants, analysts, independent experts, specialists in the field of corporate governance and sustainable development.

Metalloinvest has been publishing non-financial statements since 2009. The 2018 Sustainability Report replaces the Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which the Company published in previous years. It reflects deep changes in the Company's strategy, as well as consistency in the development of non-financial reporting, adherence to modern trends and increased information transparency.

In July 2019, Metalloinvest held a presentation of the Leadership in an Age of Change Sustainable Development Report. The event was attended by the heads of the Company, representatives of partners, customers and suppliers, authorities, the financial community, diplomatic circles, universities, experts in the field of sustainable development from various industries.