Online trading platform for the sale of rolled metal products

The specifics of the supply and sale of rolled metal significantly differs from the generally accepted standards of the commercial field of activity. This is due to both the large number of products, and the methods of their storage, release, and delivery to customers. That is why customers who use this product for their production purposes acquire what the nearest or the only supplier in the region (in their opinion) offers them, while losing:

  • As desired product.
  • Benefit due to inflated cost.

Today, this problem has been solved with the help of a virtual trading platform created for suppliers and buyers of rolled metal products. Its moderators ask only one thing: "look at the prices before buying rolled metal and choose the best option for yourself" . Quite often, a supplier from a neighboring region offers the desired type of product at a lower price and with free delivery.

How to use the new service

The online metal rolling service, called HARDHUB® (HardHub), can be used not only for direct sales or purchases. It is perfect as a tool for making forecasts or calculating the budget of a business plan for a future commercial project. The buyer will always be able to estimate the cost of the batch of metal products offered to him, taking into account the real market price for raw materials (rolled products) for its manufacture. Access to the HardHub resource to study the information presented is free:

  1. Implementation of our own supplies of rolled metal.
  2. Purchasing the right assortment in the required volumes.

Via an Internet resource, it will require the registration of a personal account. At the same time, all suppliers presented in the catalog are checked for reliability, and buyers can create a single order from various product names from various suppliers in a single “consumer basket”. To find the best price on the site, the option "Comparison" is provided, which you can use without prior registration.