Supply of 80 ton truck scales for a new grain elevator

Federal projects are always prestigious, but also very responsible. After all, it is not enough to get into such a project, you also need to confirm the real capabilities of the enterprise and the qualifications of employees. As well as a large amount of supporting documentation and countless approvals.

Recently, a project was completed for the supply of automobile 80 tons 18 meter scales, for part of the project for the construction of a new grain complex in the Saratov region. Even at the planning stage, truck scales were included in the project, which will take into account the supplied and shipped products. Inquiries were sent to manufacturers of weighing equipment for the possibility of supplying 80 tons of scales. Having received a technical and commercial proposal from manufacturers, several suitable ones were selected for the project. At the stage of specification and coordination of technical issues, ASP was chosen as a supplier.

This decision was made based on the features of the design solution used in the production of our equipment, as well as a detailed reference list in which projects of a similar level were presented. After passing all the checks, a contract was signed for the supply of 80 tons of truck scales with a monolithic foundation above the surface. This choice of foundation is justified by the lack of a ready site, with the exception of the possibility of flooding the territory.

Upon reaching the optimum strength of the foundation, installation work was carried out to assemble and install the load receiving platform and strain gauge equipment. Work was also carried out to fine-tune the scales using a reference weight. After adjustment, these scales were handed over to representatives of the Saratov CSM for the initial state verification, which they successfully passed.

All work was successfully completed within the established time frame and the selection committee accepted the truck scales in full, without comment.

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