Kuzbassrazrezugol has conducted industrial tests of new dust suppression technologies

The branch "Kedrovsky coal mine" of JSC "MC" Kuzbassrazrezugol "(an enterprise of the raw materials complex of UMMC) has become an experimental site for conducting pilot tests of modern means and technologies of dust suppression in mining operations in the coal industry. Four Russian manufacturing companies presented their developments.

The purpose of the tests is to establish the efficiency of dust suppression on technological roads and stacks of coal and enclosing rocks, the technical feasibility of industrial application of the presented tools and technologies, and to assess the useful life of the applied formulations, as well as related economic indicators.

“This is the first such large-scale experience not only within our Company, but also in Kuzbass as a whole. A colossal amount of work has been done to test and analyze the information received, - says Vitaly Latokhin, Deputy Director for Ecology, Industrial Safety and Land Use of JSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol. “This will allow us to select the best available dust suppression technologies and begin their phased implementation on an industrial scale.”

The results of the two-week tests were presented at the ecological and educational event "Green Living Room", which was attended by about 150 representatives of coal companies of the Kemerovo region, supervisory authorities, scientists, and the organizers were the Government of the Kemerovo Region-Kuzbass and the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company ".

" The Kuzbassrazrezugol company takes a responsible approach to the implementation of the concept "Clean coal - green Kuzbass", - said the Deputy Governor of Kuzbass Andrey Panov. - We not only discussed topical issues of dust suppression, but also thanks to the tests carried out at the industrial site of the Kedrovsky coal mine, we received a basis for the regulatory, methodological and organizational support for the use of dust suppressants in open pit mining, as well as the development of an environmental standard for Kuzbass, which will ultimately reduce burden on the environment ".