Quality tested by Kuzbass: results of the exhibition "Coal of Russia and Mining-2024"

From June 4 to 7, 2024, the XXXII International Specialized Exhibition of Mining Technologies "Coal of Russia and Mining" was held at the Kuzbass Fair Exhibition Center in Novokuznetsk. It was attended by leading mining companies, Russian and foreign manufacturers, equipment distributors, engineering companies, representatives of government, the scientific community and many others.

Expanded capabilities

This year, the total area of the exhibition was significantly increased - it amounted to a record 85,000 square meters. Also, for the first time, the Southern site with large-sized equipment was opened, and one of its most impressive exhibits was a 220-ton quarry dump truck from the main partner of the event and the official distributor of SANY Heavy Equipment - PIR Group.

The number of exhibitors was 841 companies, which is 203 more than in 2023. This year, Russian enterprises predominated - 648 domestic participants. The exhibition also featured expositions from 193 foreign companies. Representatives of 109 Russian cities, including new regions, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey, India, and representative offices of European countries and South Africa demonstrated equipment, technology, and developments.

The number of guests also exceeded last year's figures. The exhibition was visited by 62,488 people - specialists in the coal, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, other sectors of the economy and production, and specialized media.

Large-scale openings

Despite the difficult weather conditions, work was actively underway at the exhibition site for all 4 days. This year, many premieres took place, including a wide presentation of Russian import-independent products and solutions.

One of the premieres also took place on the South site - an interactive session "New Times - New Heroes" by the agency "Marketing from Timchenko". The general partner of the event was the PIR Group, the strategic partner was the Instroytekhkom company (ISTK), the logistics partner was the GEFKO company, and the evolutionary partnership was undertaken by the EVOBLAST Group. In 4 thematic blocks, the companies that took responsibility for the future of the Russian industry discussed current issues of the industry and proposed their solutions in the field of products and technologies, safety and labor protection, digital solutions. Particularly heated discussion was devoted to the topic of attracting personnel to mining, which took place with the support of NUST MISIS.

Expert meetings in the fields of Kuzbass

The solution of industry problems was carried out not only at the stands, but also within the framework of the business program. 79 events were held at 15 communication sites. However, the beginning of the exhibition set everyone on a "higher note" - the Governor's Symphony Orchestra of Kuzbass performed at the opening under the direction of conductor and professor of the Central Beijing Conservatory Tao Lin.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation held a number of working groups. One of them was devoted to the formation of a plan for the export transportation of coal products. The second meeting was devoted to the topic of reducing the dependence of the coal industry. In addition, a meeting was held on the preparation of measures to improve safety and working conditions and a working group on the analysis of the state of environmental safety.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Kuzbass organized a seminar "Small technology companies. New opportunities for innovative manufacturing business." The regional Ministry of Industry and Trade held a round table "Measures of state support for industrial enterprises of Kuzbass." A forum of digital solutions in the field of labor protection, organized by the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Population of Kuzbass, was also held. And the regional branch of the "Association of Lawyers of Russia" together with the Bar Association "Regionservice" held a conference "Dangerous coal mining: criminal, civil and environmental liability."

Participants in the panel session of the Siberian branch of Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo discussed the development of the fuel market in Kuzbass. A presentation of "Multifunctional security systems" from Rostelecom was also held. PAO Severstal presented new solutions to improve the efficiency of mining equipment and transport.

Siberian State Industrial University traditionally held the XXXII International Conference "High-tech Technologies for the Development and Use of Mineral Resources".

Another interesting event was the round table organized by the representative office of the Association of NP "Mining Industrialists of Russia" in the Siberian Federal District and ERT-Group LLC with the support of the Supreme Mining Council of the Association "Non-Commercial Partnership "Mining Industrialists of Russia" and the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev. The participants discussed the current topic of increasing the efficiency of mining enterprises in modern conditions after the departure of European suppliers.

Also, a number of events on industrial and environmental safety in the mining industry were organized by the Kemerovo Scientific Center VostNII. One of them was the round table "Ensuring labor safety at coal industry enterprises".

The emergence of ambitious projects

The first day of the exhibition immediately set the start for new collaborations. A quadripartite agreement on the implementation of the project of the Scientific and Educational Center "Kuzbass - Donbass" was signed between JSC "Industrial Group "Rodina", Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev, Donetsk Research, Design and Experimental Institute of Complex Mechanization of Mines and ANO "Scientific and Educational Center "Kuzbass". The project is aimed at implementing a comprehensive scientific and technical program of the full innovation cycle "Clean Coal - Green Kuzbass". The BELAZ-24 company, together with the general distributor JSC TD BELAZ and the BELAZ manufacturer, held a number of successful negotiations on the supply of equipment with the largest mining companies in Kuzbass and neighboring regions. Most of the negotiations ended with the ceremonial signing of contracts and agreements of intent for the supply of equipment.

The final chord of the exhibition was the traditional awarding of medals and diplomas of the Kuzbass Fair to the winners of the competition for the best exhibit. The companies were awarded 24 gold, 25 silver, 30 bronze medals, as well as 18 Grand Prix awards.

"Summing up the results of the Coal of Russia and Mining exhibition, we can say that 2024 brought the event to a qualitatively new level. We have increased the area several times, including opening the Southern site for large-tonnage equipment. The scale of our participants, spectacular stands, variety and quality of exhibits, richness of the business program once again demonstrated that the exhibition remains a place of attraction for the elite of the Russian mining industry. I also cannot help but note the increased number of exhibitors - Russian manufacturers who presented their own developments. We are always ready to support domestic companies in their quest for product sovereignty. We sincerely thank the participants and are already looking forward to regular and new exhibitors in Kuzbass in 2025," shared the director of the exhibition project Albina Buneeva.

XXXIII International Specialized Exhibition of Mining Technologies "Coal of Russia and Mining" will be held from June 3 to 6, 2025 at the Kuzbass Fair Exhibition Complex.


"Coal of Russia and Mining" is the main exhibition of mining technologies in Russia, which has been held in Novokuznetsk for more than 30 years. The event is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Non-Profit Partnership "Mining Industrialists of Russia", the Government of Kuzbass and the Administration of the City of Novokuznetsk.