"Severstal" in four times increased the volume of sales of new products

"Severstal" in four times increased the volume of sales of new products

PAO Severstal, one of the world's largest vertically integrated
steel and mining companies, for the first nine months of 2019.
sold 292 thousand tons of new complex products (CWP) in the framework of the project
"product innovations", which is almost four times higher than the
last year's figures.

a Large part of NVP – more than 200 thousand tons – implemented sectoral team
Building, about 67 thousand tonnes – team "engineering" and about 25
thousand tons – the team Energy.

"One of the key objectives of our company is to move away from positioning
"Severstal" as a manufacturer of basic rent and become a supplier in the first
place, difficult decisions, for which the modern client is ready to pay more.
that is why we have significantly increased the volume and speed of development of CWP. Now
in the active phase of the development is 105 products that twice the
same period last year. Planned by 2023, to increase the share of
new types of steel product portfolio from five to 30 percent," said
General Director of "Severstal" Alexander Shevelev.

the Growth was due to full development of complex
prototyping, which in 2019 have been supplemented by new research
equipment. Significantly speed up the process of developing CWP specialists
makes use of the agile methodology. To date, this format
works fully mastered all product categories. Also in 2019
we created a new team Value Stream longs, and for the nine months
of work its representatives have earned $1.2 million in additional EBITDA, which
also, due to the implementation of new types of high-quality rolled steel spring
steel grades for automotive and railway

an Important achievement for the first nine months of 2019 was the development
of metal designed for laser cutting. Such products are applicable
in the construction and engineering industry. Opportunities for the production of a new product
gave the reconstruction of the shearing line No. 4, of the order of 450 million.

the Company achieved an increase in shipments of galvanized steel with
high class coating (Z350-Z600). For the first nine months of 2019 to customers
shipped over three thousand tons of rolled stock, which is almost twice the
results in just 2018. The peculiarity of this product is the top resistance
corrosion in aggressive environments, including in the soil. This steel is suitable for
the manufacture of corrugated metal pipes spiralmouth for sheds,
underground storage tanks and bridges.

For customers in car industry "Severstal" has submitted HR
rental SPFH590 of etched hot rolled ferrite-bainite steel. Product
is used to manufacture vehicle suspension components. Such steel
is characterized by a combination of high strength and ductility as well as high
coefficient of distribution holes, which allows to effectively apply it to
the manufacture of parts by cold-forming.

"Severstal" has successfully mastered the production of cold-resistant plate
- metal and large diameter pipes of steel of strength class K60, is designed
for use in extremely low temperatures up to -60 degrees
Celsius. This unique product will meet the needs of key clients in
the development of gas fields in the Arctic and the far North.

Also received the first results of the field testing
innovative rent increased corrosion and cold resistance "Savarkar" on
the deposits of the largest oil companies. After a year of operation
particularly aggressive environment, not only confirmed the declared properties, but also
have surpassed their resistance against corrosion.