Severstal initiated the development of a standard for roofing work

Severstal initiated the development of a standard for roofing work

PAO Severstal, one of the world's leading vertically integrated
steel and mining companies, initiated and participated in
developing a national standard for installation of roofs with a roof of metal.
Rosstandart approved GOST R 58739-2019 "Work roofing. Installation of roofs with
a roof of metal. Rules and control of work". Document
developed by the National roofing Union, with the support of the company "Severstal" and
entered into force on 1 January 2020.

the introduction of the unified rules of installation of metal roofs initiated
the staff of Department of technical regulation of the Directorate of technical development
and the quality of the division "Severstal Russian steel". National standard
reglamentary requirements to the device of roofs and installation of roofs
metal. Requirements GOST R 58739-2019 aimed at providing
the long and safe operation of roofs.

"Working in the field of standardization for our company remains an integral
part of providing excellent customer experience. Common rules for execution
roofing in conjunction with the previously introduced standard for metal roofing
will save the consumer properties of metal products for the installation and
to ensure the durability of the roof of any building," – said the Director of
technological development and the quality of the division "Severstal Russian steel" Petro

This is the second standard from the system of normative documents. March 1, 2019
entered into force GOST R 58153-2018 "metal profiled
roofing (Metal) General technical conditions", which was also
developed by the National roofing Union, with the support of Severstal. GOST
sets the minimum acceptable parameters of metal required to
produce quality metal. So, regulated minimum
allowable thickness of the metal base – not less than 0.5 mm. class
protective zinc coating shall be not less than 140 µm, the thickness of
the polymer coating not less than 23 microns. Introduces a requirement to mark,
which is designed to provide opportunities for input quality control of
the construction site. Read the standards on the site

"Questions of quality products – metal roofing and its installation was not resolved.
for two decades, since the advent of this roof
material in the Russian construction market. Problems during this time have accumulated so
much that many thought impossible. The joint work of the company
"Severstal" and the National roofing Union in the shortest time possible
to eliminate serious gaps in the normative-technical regulation.
the construction of roofs with a roof of metal" – said the Deputy.
Executive Director of the National roofing Union Anna Molchanova.

Sequential entry into force of the Standards for metal and installation
protects all market participants, including end consumers, from
the unscrupulous players and provides a legal basis for complying with
the stated requirements. In particular, the availability of standards requires you to specify
the marking of metal and gives the ability to capture high-quality
features and installation requirements in contractual relations between
manufacturer and seller.

Thus, the initiators of this document expect a significant
decrease the level of counterfeiting on the Russian market of roofing materials and protect
homeowners against unexpected expenses.