MMK increases the efficiency of innovation activities

MMK increases the efficiency of innovation activities

The importance of innovation in today's global industry determines the need for companies to pay particular attention to the development of rationalization and invention. In this regard, innovative activity is included in the list of priority directions of development of JSC "MMK".
At MMK developed a system of delivery and implementation of proposals that have proven effective. The increase in the quantity and quality of submitted proposals, reducing the time of their introduction.
In 2019 at PJSC "MMK" for consideration by the expert Commission was submitted 6207 ideas (5792 in 2018), of which the introduction was aimed 4256 ideas (previous year - 3872 ideas).
Economic effect from the implemented rationalization proposals in 2019 amounted to 585,4 mln, 29% more than in 2018. The authors of innovation proposals paid for a total amount of 22.2 mln RUB.
in Addition to material incentives, the development of the creative potential of employees, to exercise initiative and motivate employees to contribute to improvements organized by the management of JSC "MMK" competitions, seminars, exhibitions and other events.
So on a quarterly basis the structural units of the contests "the Best idea for the solution of problem" with the assignment I, II and III places and material authors.
the annual competitions "the Best young rationalizer and inventor of OJSC "MMK" with the awarding of 15 of the best innovators under the age of 30 years and "the Best rationalization proposal of PJSC "MMK" in the category "MTR Economy", "labor Protection, industrial safety and ecology" and "Energy" with the award I, II and III places in each category and determine the best innovations of all the above. 2019 for this competition introduced a new category - suggestion "Related to the reduction of expenditure coefficients of the proceedings".
For efficiency, rationalization and inventive activities at PJSC "MMK" the training in this direction. In April, 2019 on the basis of the Corporate center of personnel training "Personnel" was held the training program "Factory of innovation: from ad hoc ideas to the innovation stream," and in December conducted the training program: "enhancing the effectiveness of innovation through applying TRIZ development [theory of inventive problem solving] in engineering and manufacturing areas."
Another traditional and effective tool for the involvement of employees to technical creativity, promotional campaign "Fresh idea", dedicated to the Day of innovator and inventor. The campaign is aimed at promoting technical creativity in General and the promotion is specially designed mobile application to collect ideas of "Evolution". Application developed on Android and iOS platforms, allows you to submit ideas in a few simple steps, like using a mobile phone and a personal computer. In this case, the application gives the author the opportunity to track the progress of ideas, for example, to learn the decision of the Guild Committee.
Results developed and implemented at PJSC "MMK" approach to innovation testify to the efficiency and demonstrate the fidelity of the strategy for the development of technical creativity of the staff.
Department of information and public relations of OJSC "MMK"