Determination of the composition of the metal in the chemical laboratory

As you know such material as iron in its pure molecular form, which is designated as a separate chemical element in the periodic table periodic table symbol "Fe" (ferrum), in the nature do not exist. All of it consisting of metals and alloys include a variety of elements of the presence and quantity of which depend on:

  • Hardness and specific gravity.
    • Elasticity, ductility and brittleness.
      • the Conductivity of heat and electrical voltage.
        • Resistance to corrosion and chemically active substances.

        these factors are taken into account in the design of certain details, and deviation from them promises to issue so-called defects or conditions. To eliminate such problems, provides laboratory for chemical analysis of metals equipment which is able to determine the composition of the audited sample of the metal (alloy) with an accuracy of hundredths in percentage.

        What you need to order chemical analysis

        Professional chemical analysis of metals and alloys (including color marks) is used to determine the exact composition of the components in the finished product (parts), and the processing, supplied with the metallurgical enterprises. As a test sample can be used, for example:

          • Chips weighing up to 50 grams.
            • a Small slice from the metal or workpiece.
              • the detail itself (detail).

        Customer can act as a manufacturer of metal products for confirmation of quality certification of batch of products and its consumer (individual or legal entity).

        to Get more information about where to analyze metal customized by using the official website of the company providing this service using its own chemical laboratory. The work is carried out on a contractual basis using the latest high-tech equipment, professional experts in a very short time (depend on complexity laboratory tests).