BMZ management took part in planting rowan alley in support of 17 Sustainable Development Goals

On April 22, on the International Day of Mother Earth, an alley of 17 rowan trees was laid in Minsk in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Representatives of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus took part in tree planting. The Belarusian Metallurgical Plant also supported the public initiative, which was represented at the event by the Deputy General Director for Personnel and Ideological Work Andrei Alekseevich Kulakovsky.

During the action, its participants, and these are the leaders of large Belarusian organizations, were dropped off in the center of Minsk as a sign prosperity and peace of mountain ash. Thus, they emphasized not only the positions of their companies that have been implementing projects of corporate sustainability and social responsibility for many years, but also their personal interest in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and preserving the Earth's resources for future generations. A special sign with information on the SDGs in several languages ​​- Belarusian, Russian and English was installed near each tree. Now each rowan tree will symbolize one of the Sustainable Development Goals.

& bsp; & bsp; It is worth noting that in 2008 BMZ became the first industrial enterprise in the country to enter into a direct agreement with the UN on joining the Global Initiative and supporting principles in the field of human rights protection, the environment, the fight against corruption, and so on. In 2009, in accordance with the requirements of the GRI standard, the first BMZ report on social management was developed. Since then, it has been prepared annually and posted on the UN website and the official website of the plant.

& bsp; & bsp; The organizer of the action on the laying of the mountain ash alley was the Local Social Fund "Dobra", which is the Office of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus.