Severstal develops digital solutions for modelling of new products

Severstal develops digital solutions for modelling of new products

Employees of "Severstal Russian steel" together with
"Severstal-Infokom" create an automated system for modeling the
materials that will accelerate the development of new types of products (CWP). In
the end of April, experts released the first test release based on
a mathematical model of the mill 2000.

the Directorate of technical development and quality (DTRC) of the division "Severstal
Russian steel" used in the mathematical model of metallurgical
production for individual departments, which allow to calculate parameters
microstructure and mechanical properties of the metal.

Now the development of new types of products (CWP) uses the "direct" scheme
calculation: as input parameters, experts used data about
chemical composition of steel and the technological parameters of modes of production. Their
experts picked manually on the basis of their own experience, knowledge, studied
literature, recommendations of colleagues. Results data on mechanical
the properties of the product. In this case, if the desired values to not
successful, the process needs to be repeated, sometimes many times. The selection of the
optimal chemical composition and production technology remain

To optimize the time for development of CWP requires a change of approach,
which the goal of technologists will become the mechanical properties of the metal and
the chemical composition and technological parameters of production, which will allow them
to achieve. The management of new products and technologies DTRC and
development of new technologies "Severstal-Infokom" develop
a new simulation system, operating on the so-called "reverse"
scheme. A pilot release program experts implemented on the basis of mathematical
model mill 2000 rolling workshop No. 2 CHerMK. As input parameters.
the system allows you to use the properties of the metal. The result of the calculation
will be the options of chemical compositions and production parameters. Implementation of this
ideas will allow several times to reduce the development of NVP, as well as
to carry out the optimization of the production technology of existing products without
deterioration of the desired properties and in accordance with the required Standards.

"Time to bring the product to market (time to market) – one of the key
indicators in the development of CWP. One of the most time-consuming tasks remains
the choice of the chemical composition and production technology to produce the required
client properties of the metal. The new solution will allow, on the one hand,
combine existing mathematical models and to bring out their
capacity, on the other, to implement more complex algorithms and handling large
number of data in a short time. Now if the calculation result does not match the
expectations, our employees are required to change the inputs and repeat
the operation again. When it comes to brand new materials, the search for such
values in the chemical composition and production technology could take months.
the joint simulation system will allow us to calculate tens or hundreds of thousands
of options. Only on the basis of desired properties, our experts will be able to
a short time to get ready hypotheses to test in the complex
prototyping and production. To finish creating the new
the automated system we plan to 2023," says the Director.
for technical development and quality division "Severstal Russian steel"
Peter Mishnev.

the First pilot model on the example of one shop check to the employees,
responsible for the development of CWP, and experts of the unification of chemical
compounds that will apply the decision to consider the use of
extra of suitable metal in the production of new incoming orders. The following
steps will be optimization and performance acceleration program, and the
scaling to other divisions with the subsequent unification of
the simulation system.