"UMMC Builder" together with "Green Park" began the transformation of the embankment Yekaterinburg

June 15, at 11:00 on the embankment of the Iset river near the LCD "Makarov" began work on the planting site, the city's waterfront. Only about water weeping willows are planted 18 "Sverdlovsk winding 2", the grade of which was created in Yekaterinburg. The collection of these trees were almost completely lost, so the seedlings had to be brought from other cities. The initiator of the landscaping was made by the company "team Builder", which creates a promenade area for citizens and residents LCD "Makarov". The planting of trees carried out by the specialists of the company "landscape solutions Gree Park". In greening the city's waterfront company "UGMK-the Developer" has provided more than $ 700 000. Planting willows is planned to be completed by 16.06.2020 g

"When something close to the beach was Milling plant, and the area around was not sanitized and closed to citizens. We, even when we just started to build LCD "Makarov", I immediately decided that pay special attention to the landscaping: the residential complex will try to make one of the best in the Urals and the territory of the embankment to improve so that citizens were able to walk here, climb up on the street Chelyuskintsev, to go back. There were many ideas, but for us it was important that there was a lot of greenery. The green is life. And we live in the city and want to breathe in this fresh air. Together with "Gree Park" we decided that it would be nice to plant willow in many countries and cities such as Amsterdam specially planted these trees to beautify water", - says Evgeny Mordovin.

in addition, this year "UMMC the Developer" plans to complete the reconstruction Simanovsky mill: on the first floor of the building will house a restaurant.

"I Think it should be a cozy restaurant that has people walking along the promenade could come inside and drink a cocktail, eat pasta, pizza, a Cup of tea. And, I think, because previously there was a Flour mill, will need to ensure the sale of delicious fresh baking," says Eugene Mordovin.

"Willows by the river – it is a kind of "natural classics". Willow is a good smooth flowing branches that stretch to the water. In addition, agronomic requirements of the willow near the water quite comfortably. Probably everyone has seen beautiful pictures of the weeping willow, which dropped its "branches-braids" to the water and perched on the shore. A sort of Russian beauty from fairy tales. Worldwide river very often accompany these beautiful trees and we will have willow Sverdlovsk breeder Benjamin Shaburov. Its seedlings are sold around the world, but in very small quantities in Yekaterinburg. And we are in no matter what was wanted to revive the collection of known Ural. We are also planning to transform the lawn around eve, to remove weeds, to the bottom spaces not "argue" with varietal trees," says Julia Sorokin, the owner and Director of "the landscape of solutions Gree Park".

reference: Sverdlovsk breeder Benjamin Shaburov has created more than 25 varieties of willows: weeping, prostrate, pyramidal, shrub, spherical. All of them are resistant to cold, pests and diseases, so now is popular not only in Russia but also in other countries. Some hybrid willows Shaburov this year marks 60 years. IVA "Sverdlovsk winding – 2" grows the highest in its class (up to 12 meters) and has a pyramidal crown.

to Build on the banks of the Iset residential neighborhood business - and elite-class "Makarov" a "team Builder" began in 2017. By the end of 2019 was completed 1 and 2 turns of the quarter. Construction of 3 phase will be completed by the end of 2020, and the last 4 turns – by the end of 2022.