Ordering diesel forklifts HELI

storage equipment should be of high capacity. The only way it can fulfil its tasks in an uninterrupted mode. If your company needs to purchase high-performance equipment for use in warehouse environments, please note the current offers of the company "Heli" the link https://heli.com.ru/pogruzchiki/avtopogruzchiki-heli/dizelnie-pogruzchiki/. Diesel forklifts HELI is the optimal solution for various warehouse tasks, from loading and unloading to the movement of goods.

features of operation of the diesel trucks

High performance and endurance — those are the criteria which attract the customers when ordering warehouse equipment. If the work is in smooth mode, you can give preference for the purchase of equipment Chinese brand of HELI. The main features of using this technique include:

  • Guarantee high performance.
  • the
  • Large capacity.
  • the
  • Low operating costs.
  • the
  • Simplicity and availability of service.
  • the
  • Compact size.

Order of forklifts HELI

the result of prolonged use of every customer who bought warehouse equipment HELI, can emphasize the benefits of the equipment. The forklift runs on diesel fuel. It also has low fuel consumption. Compact model capable of lifting loads weighing up to 46 tonnes to a height of 6.5 meters. The operation of such equipment can be carried out in premises with a completely different area. In order to ensure comfort for the driver of the truck is provided an outboard engine.

If you haven't decided on the model of a diesel truck, you can consider the proposals of the catalog. For each model here are the specifications and the description. This will allow clients to read parameters such as capacity, height of lifting of loads, dimensions, speed, engine parameters and other data. So, it is possible to quickly select and purchase a model diesel truck. Check out the best selling models of loaders.