In Uralmehanobr the laboratory testing of cement

JSC "uralmekhanobr" (scientific-research and design Institute UMMC) established by the testing laboratory of cement. The division of the scientific part of the Institute carries out the analysis of building material and evaluates suppliers ' products from the point of view of the actual characteristics of raw materials the indicators that are spelled out in the Datasheet.

- on the correct choice of raw materials directly impact the operational characteristics of the object, - said the head of the Department of mining science Yuri dick. – On the market today, you can find a large diversity of both producers and varieties of cement. To determine which types most effectively used in production, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. Our objective is to provide the customer with comprehensive information about this type of cement, the evidence base.

Testing laboratory "Uralmekhanobr" has a report on the state of measurements in laboratories of FBU "URALTEST", allowing to carry out measurement of cement with the issuance of conclusions on compliance of raw materials with the requirements of GOST.

In the workflow engineers of the laboratory uses a wide range of instrumental methods of research conducted on high-tech equipment with the use of the software.

Study subject basic properties of the cement, the totality of which guarantees high-quality building material. In particular, the laboratory assessed the following parameters of cement as the setting time, tensile strength at compression and bending, the normal density of the test.

On testing of all parameters of construction material takes about one month. Then the customer is issued a conclusion on compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of GOST this product with the valid technical specifications.