Mikhailovsky GOK has produced 3 million tons of concentrate on the technology of fine screening

Mikhailovsky GOK has produced 3 million tons of concentrate on the technology of fine screening

Mikhailovsky GOK, the company "metalloinvest" has produced 3-million tons of concentrate a thin grating. The advanced technology of beneficiation of iron ore equipment Derrick started at the plant in September 2019.

"This is an important event not only for our Department but for the entire enterprise. From doobogascheny concentrate with iron content 67% produce pellets of high quality - said the chief technologist concentrator Alexander Levshin. - The achievement of such volume of production confirms that our products are demanded by the steel companies."

New technology is used on four sections of the concentrator of the MMPP. The resulting concentrate of increased iron content and reduced percentage of silica is the raw material for the pelletizing plant pellets with different characteristics tailored to meet the needs of consumers.

currently, metalloinvest Mikhailovsky GOK is the second phase of the project on introduction of fine screening in construction of housing beneficiation of concentrate. It is expected that in 2022 the entire concentration stage of the plant switched to the production of high quality concentrate with iron content of 68.8% -70%.

improving the quality of concentrate and pellets will strengthen competitive advantages of the product of the MMPP and open the plant for new markets. In addition, in the processing of refractory ore will be involved career that will allow you to carefully and comprehensively to use the reserves.