Reconstruction of the pioneer smelting took place at BMZ

Reconstruction of the pioneer smelting took place at BMZ

On May 18, the reconstruction of the first pioneer smelter took place at OJSC “BMZ” - the management company of the “BMK” holding. The festive event brought together more than 200 pioneers at the plant, including delegates from various regions of the country.

The atmosphere of the first pioneer smelting was created by thematic songs of those years, red flags and banners. And then the pioneer callsigns sound. The guys line up on both sides of the site. The banner group brings the pioneer banner. A solemn meeting begins. Greetings from the management of BMZ, recollections of the participants of the first pioneer smelting, ceremonial reception of children as pioneers. The main moment of the event comes - the scrap truck, accompanied by a brass band and the guys who came from other cities, go to the steel-making shop. Like 33 years ago, the pioneers have a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes how Belarusian steel is smelted ...