Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant entered the TOP-20 companies in the RAEX-600 rating in terms of labor productivity

Ratig Review magazine published ratings of the leaders of the Russian economy RAEX-600 in various directions - the most dynamic companies, the most profitable companies, companies with the highest labor productivity, etc.

According to the organizers of the oldest the most authoritative rating of domestic big business RAEX-600, low labor productivity remains the weak point of the Russian economy. According to this indicator, Russia lags behind Western competitors. However, in the domestic business there are companies that have already reached international levels or even surpassed world achievements in this area.

The Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (an enterprise of the UMMC metallurgical complex) is on the 12th line of the TOP-20 enterprises of Russia, and among the enterprises of the Chelyabinsk area - on the second. In addition, CZP is the only non-ferrous metallurgy enterprise on the list of leaders.

“Increasing labor productivity is a strategic goal not only for our plant, but also for most industrial companies in Russia,” said Pavel Izbrecht, General Director of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. “The increase in production efficiency was achieved, first of all, due to the rational use of internal reserves, the introduction of new technologies and the strengthening of the technical potential of the enterprise.”