The Russian Steel Association organized and held a panel session on metallurgy on the site of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum on the topic: "Young talents for the metallurgy of the future"
The Russian Steel Association organized and held a panel session on metallurgy on the site of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum on the topic: "Young talents for the metallurgy of the future"
March 30, 2019 The Russian Steel Association organized and held a panel session on metallurgy at the site of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum (Forum, KEF'2019) on the topic: "Young talents for the metallurgy of the future." /p>
The organizers of KEF'2019 are the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Chairman of the Forum Organizing Committee is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak
The session was moderated by Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - co-chairman of the Expert Council on the Metallurgical and Mining Industry under the State Duma Alexei Kanaev.
The session "Young talents for the metallurgy of the future" was attended by: representatives of federal executive authorities, heads of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, representatives of enterprises and the national association of the iron and steel industry.
The session was opened by the Executive Director of the Association "Russian Steel" Alexey Sentyurin with a report on the main trends in the iron and steel industry in Russia in 2000-2018. The speech focused on a new qualitative level of development of the industry, in which the target state is not a gross increase in steel production, but technological and technical modernization.
The session participants noted that this was a challenge both for the industry and for the education system. “In this rapidly changing technological order, it is important not only to be able to accelerate the change of educational programs, but also to saturate all this new knowledge and skills of teachers. This is a challenging but important task. Otherwise, problems arise in the industry of inconsistency of incoming young personnel with business requirements. ”
During the session, they discussed: what specialties will be in demand in metallurgy 4.0; when and how to start training teaching staff and relevant specialists; what you need to know and apply in a new complex world; how many professions a modern specialist has to master; how to ensure the prestige of engineering and working professions; the role of employers and the state; practice of Russian regions; how state approaches are changing and more.
As a result of the session, we agreed on the importance of continuing a close dialogue between business and government authorities, in particular with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, in order to jointly resolve all of the above and other related them tasks.
From member companies of the Russian Steel Association, industry universities and secondary specialized educational institutions took part:
- Velikansky Roman, Director NLMK Personnel Training and Development Directorate;
- Mikhail Chukin, Rector of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova;
- Vadim Petrov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, NUST MISIS, Chairman of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the field of higher education on UGSN “Applied Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas Business and geodesy ";
- Aleksey Volkov, Director of the Lipetsk Polytechnic College;
- Zimina Elena, Head of Personnel Training and Development Department, Management Company METALLOINVEST;
- Polupanova Irina, Director of the Oskol Polytechnic College, STI NUST MISIS ";
- Denis Nesterov, Deputy General Director for Organizational Development - Director of the Directorate for Personnel and Social Policy of TMK PJSC;
- Alexander Kalinin, Head of Internal Learning Development, OMK Corporate University.
Watch the presentation of the Russian Steel Association -dle_leech_end ->