About the future profession - in questions and answers: at the Technical University of UMMC there was an open day for schoolchildren in Baranchinsky

Verkhnyaya Pyshma (Sverdlovsk Region)

Pupils of 9th and 10th grades of school №20 in the village of Baranchinsky got acquainted with the curricula of the first technical university in Russia. Earlier, on April 3, eleventh graders from Baranchinsky attended the UMMC Technical University, after which several schoolchildren immediately applied for targeted training at the university from Svyatogor JSC. Baranchinsky: “The guys had a lot of impressions, many of them wanted to enter this university, but there was one“ but ”: not all of them chose the profile exams in physics and mathematics. Therefore, we turned to the management of TU UMMC with a proposal to conduct a second excursion for pupils of grades 9 and 10, who will also have to decide on their future profession in the near future. And today we have arrived as a "combined team" of ninth and tenth graders. We went through the university again, and, I think, many were able to orient themselves in their views on the future. "

Recruitment for targeted training for current tenth graders will begin this autumn.

It is necessary for a university already in the ninth and tenth grades, to choose the direction of training, profile exams, - says the director of the Technical University of UMMC Vyacheslav Lapin. - For our university, the main subjects are physics and mathematics. In the fall, at the beginning of grade 11, students wishing to study in the target direction must provide their data to the enterprise located in your region, or to the UMMC Technical University. The training of target students is completely free, the company also pays for the travel to Verkhnyaya Pyshma and the accommodation of the children in a modern dormitory. In addition, every student can count on a guaranteed increased scholarship. If a child studies at "4" and "5", he is guaranteed to receive 4000 rubles. If a student takes part in scientific, volunteer, sports activities of the university - his scholarship can reach 18,000 rubles. The annual industrial practice is also paid by the enterprise. Therefore, all that is required of a child is dedication, desire to enroll and excellent grades. ”

Determine the direction: metallurgy, mining, energy, industrial automation or mechanics - teachers and students of the Technical University helped schoolchildren. Svetlana Pyatanova, mother of a ninth-grader from the village. Baranchinsky, notes that Open Days help schoolchildren and their parents to visually immerse themselves in the educational process: “Today we came with our son on an excursion in order to see what the university is like, what specialties are, the ninth grade was brought so that the children interest them in the future to orient themselves in the directions. It is useful for the children: they are at a kind of crossroads, they often cannot decide where to go after graduation, and at the Open House they explain everything clearly. Young students-students also tell a lot - how they study, in what conditions they live. ”

Semyon Zhuikov, a tenth grader from Baranchinsky, said that after the excursion he had a desire to study at the UMMC Technical University:“ I am satisfied the processes of metallurgy are interesting. I liked this area. ”

“ We have just been to analytical chemistry, where very small particles are measured with a laser, the amount of copper in the sample, I was interested, ”says Polina Proskuryakova, a 10th grade student.

Baranchinsky schoolchildren were shown the conditions of comfortable living in a newly built student hostel. Double and quadruple rooms equipped with showers, refrigerators, TVs with Wi-Fi access. Students living in the hostel have the opportunity to visit the gym in their free time.

Also, as part of the Open Day, guests from the village of Baranchinsky attended master classes, theater quests, were able to communicate with students and teachers. The final stage of the visit to Verkhnyaya Pyshma for the Baranchinsk schoolchildren was an excursion to the UMMC Museum Complex.