Metalloinvest plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

Metalloinvest plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

Metalloinvest views the climate change agenda as one of its priorities. According to the adopted Climate Strategy, Metalloinvest is striving to achieve carbon neutrality in its territory and maximize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from its consumers by 2050.

The key aspect of achieving these indicators is the transition from blast furnace production to metallization processes and the subsequent use of "pure" carbon-neutral hydrogen in these processes. Significant contributions will be made through improved energy efficiency and the use of renewable and low-carbon energy.

“In the long term, the structure of demand for metallurgical raw materials will increasingly be determined by the requirements for quality and the carbon footprint of products,” said Nazim Efendiev, CEO of Metalloinvest. - We see our Company as the basis for the evolution of metallurgy in the direction of carbon-free production technologies. Metalloinvest's climate strategy is based on a number of investment projects already underway. We are also conducting large-scale research work to find optimal solutions for the implementation of technologies that ensure the carbon neutrality of products. "

The implementation of the Climate Strategy is planned in three stages:

  • 2019-2025. - Completion of planned modernization. The quality of manufactured iron ore products will be improved with the creation of a base for reducing emissions in the metallurgical processing. Reduction of direct and indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases by 1.8%, indirect non-energy emissions - by 25% in relation to the level of total emissions in 2019.
  • 2026–2036 - The transition to low-carbon production of direct reduced iron will be carried out, the processes of production of coke, sinter and pig iron will be optimized. The introduction of pure ("blue", "yellow" and "green") hydrogen. Reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions by 15% in relation to the level of total emissions in 2019.
  • 2037-2050 - Achieving carbon neutrality by completing the transition to pure hydrogen in the technological process, increasing the energy efficiency of other processes, including using hydrogen in stationary and mobile combustion, as well as acquiring carbon offsets for emissions that cannot be reduced in the main mining and metallurgical production

In 2020, a complete inventory of greenhouse gases was made, including direct emissions from the Company's sources (Scope 1), indirect emissions from the production of energy purchased from third-party organizations (Scope 2), indirect non-energy emissions received from the purchase of raw materials and materials, and the sale of products, (Scope 3), as well as the carbon footprint of products.

The total volume of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) in 2020 decreased by 2.5 million tons compared to the same data a year earlier and amounted to 69.3 million tons of CO₂-equivalent.

The main processes leading to the formation of greenhouse gas emissions in the Company's activities are the production of pig iron, DRI /HBI and steel products. Thus, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for Metalloinvest is its metallurgical enterprises - OEMK, Ural Steel and LGOK.

At the same time, the indicator of the intermediate carbon footprint (direct and indirect energy emissions, including emissions purchased in raw materials and materials) per ton of steel produced at OEMK is only 1.66 tons of CO₂-equivalent, with an industry average of 2 , 3 tons.

The Company annually collects, calculates and provides data on greenhouse gas (CO₂) emissions generated during production under the Climate Action program. The recorded CO₂ emissions are two times lower than the average values ​​for full cycle steel mills.

Detailed information is published in the Company's Unified Report, which includes the Annual Report and the Sustainable Development Report.