Gaysky GOK employees undergo an in-depth medical examination

Currently, 700 employees of the underground mine of PJSC "Gaysky GOK" (an enterprise of the raw materials complex of the UMMC) are undergoing an in-depth medical examination by specialists from the Orenburg regional center of occupational pathology. Regional medical specialists carry out a medical examination on the basis of LLC Sanatorium-preventorium Gornyak. “Those workers of the plant are sent for this examination, whose experience in harmful working conditions is five or more years. Health protection, detection of occupational diseases at an early stage, the formation of risk groups for the development of occupational diseases, prevention of accidents at work, timely preventive and rehabilitative measures are the main components of such an event, ”says Julia Bikeyeva, specialist of the social development bureau of the Gaiskiy GOK. includes examination by doctors of narrow specialties: surgeon, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, neurologist, dentist, urologist (gynecologist), occupational pathologist. The specialists of the professional center carry out advanced examination methods: duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities and abdominal aorta, spirometry with bronchodilatory tests, electromyography of the lower extremities, pallesiometry, audiometry, examination of the function of the vestibular apparatus, cold test, biomicroscopy of the eyes, dynamometry, ultrasound of the pelvic organs cells in two projections, electroencephalography. Earlier, in 2020, an in-depth medical examination was carried out for workers of the mine construction department and part of the underground mine. In total, in 2021, 5400 employees of PJSC "Gaysky GOK" are subject to periodic medical examination, including 700 people - in-depth medical examination. For these purposes, Gaysky GOK has allocated about 23 million rubles.