Signs of a broken automatic transmission

An increasing number of new drivers prefer driving passenger vehicles with an automatic transmission. Automatic transmission is especially convenient in city conditions, when even in one short trip it is necessary to change gears in the transmission many times. Quite reliable in everyday life, automation can wear out over time akpp-service.kiev .ua. The ability to recognize breakdowns in the early stages will prevent the machine from stopping in the most unpredictable places. 

How to extend the service life of an automatic transmission

Any mechanism has its own service life and optimal conditions for everyday use. If you do not violate these requirements from the manufacturer, the mechanism will at least work out its intended life. But, there are a few simple rules and recommendations that can help extend the operation of the gearbox, thereby reducing the overhead costs of operating the vehicle as a whole:

  1. Before starting in the cold season, warm up the engine.
  2. Change the transmission oil in the gearbox in a timely manner.
  3. Accelerate and brake smoothly in the city if possible.
  4. Properly use all travel and parking modes.
  5. li>Regularly contact the service to diagnose the mechanism. 

The check does not take much time and is carried out using special computerized equipment. Numerous sensors read important information and interpret it into meanings that a mechanic can understand. Diagnostics will allow timely detection of breakdowns at the earliest stages. 

In what cases is repair necessary

A driver who is able to recognize problems with the gearbox by external signs will never face the problem of stopping the car in the middle of an active intersection in an urban environment. He will not look for a tow truck to deliver the car from the highway to the nearest service center. Breakdowns rarely happen suddenly. As a rule, they are preceded by the following features of the car:

  1. gear shifting occurs with a certain delay;
  2. extraneous, atypical sounds in the transmission area;
  3. car moves for a long time in one gear without shifting;
  4. the gearbox is stuck in one position while moving;
  5. oil leakage and the need for constant replenishment.

Automatic The transmission is complicated enough that you shouldn't try to fix it yourself. Without extensive knowledge and special tools, it makes little sense to repair it yourself. Specialists will cope with the task much faster with a guarantee for the work performed.