Body punch

Nobody is safe from hitting the body. To correct this annoying misunderstanding, you need to know how to correctly punch out the concave parts. The process involves restoring deformation and impacts by punching.


Applicable Tool

Various tools are used during tin work. There are main and auxiliary use. The main ones are hammers, files, stretchers, etc. There is a large variety of hammers with different applications:

  1. Dressing hammer, one side of which is square and the other has a rounded shape. Should be springy during impact.
  2. Embossing hammer with a blunt taper at the end. The body panel can be straightened without pulling.
  3. Hammers with rubber mallets, roughly driving different body segments.
  4. The inertial hammer is applicable in hard-to-reach places. Impacts are made with a striker, on a sliding rod, which abuts against the stopper.

Supports different shapes to correct the contour of the surface. When the support fails, due to a difficult place, a stretch comes to the rescue. Elastic steel hooks for pulling out local dents with a hook for a drilled hole. A sander in the form of a disc with sandpaper attached to a drill.

Preparatory work

First, you need to decide on the level of damage. There are such damages that the drift is powerless. And sometimes, using several methods and tools, you can achieve the desired result. Removing individual parts of the body kit is associated with the following manipulations:

  • Deformed metal is removed from the damaged area;
  • The edges of the cut are cleaned to a metallic sheen;
  • Patch applied or adjusted  new part ;
  • The patches are gas welded;
  • The weld is flush cleaned.

Damage caused by corrosion is restored with universal materials. The composition uses synthetic materials that level the surface.

Driving features

The punch is made by counteracting the force that made the dent in the car body. It is necessary to start from the hardest places, moving to softer ones. The drift of a removable body kit, that is, aprons or wings, should be straightened in place due to the fact that:

  1. The shape is controlled at the mates;
  2. The part does not fall off, but is securely fastened;
  3. Deformation after removal.

Sometimes a removed, knocked-out part becomes even worse than not removed. This is due to the metal stress generated by punching. By using various tools and metal working methods, you can achieve the desired result in punching body defects.

 Information for you was prepared by Autogeizer specialists: