Types of kitchen knives and purposes of their use

Types of kitchen knives and purposes of their use

It is impossible to do without a knife in any kitchen. Kitchen knives are used in both home and professional kitchens. For comfortable work, you need to choose high-quality accessories. The online store of home goods Dlydomaland https://dlyadomaland.ru /collection/catalog-1-1b4f18. It offers a wide range of products, among which you will find good kitchen knives. They will serve you for the longest time.

A certain knife is designed for each process in the kitchen. For example, cheese, butter, and sausage are not really cut with the same knife. To perform these tasks, there are different types of devices.

Kitchen knives and their differences

First on the list is the chef's knife. The length of its blade is mainly 25-30 centimeters. It is designed for fine shredding, but it can also be used for transferring products due to the large width of the blade. The accessory will cope with both slicing greens and meat. But it is not suitable for cutting soft bread.

There is a special serrated bread knife for this task. Thanks to the cloves, it can cut through the hardened crust without damaging the crumb. For cutting watermelon or melon, a serrated accessory is not the best option.

A smaller version of the chef's knife is designed for thinly slicing fruit and peeling vegetables. The blade of this product has a length of 10 centimeters, but despite this, it is very convenient and practical to use.

The Birds Break knife is a piece of equipment for true professional chefs. Its claw-like shape is designed for easy peeling of fruits and vegetables. For home cooking, such a device is not needed, but for master chefs this knife is a must.

The fillet knife is designed for cutting fish fillets, so if you like to cook fish at home, be sure to get it. He will show himself from the best side.

What other knives exist

A hatchet knife is found in every kitchen. Its main task is to cut bones, cartilage and frozen meat. Such kitchen knives are quite heavy and massive. They require special care when using.

Knife "Tomato" is needed for cutting vegetables and fruits with a hard skin and a soft inside. A sereytor blade helps to leave juice inside a vegetable or fruit. Basically, tomatoes are cut with this device.

The special cheese knife has an unusual look. It has a fairly short blade, but a wide range of action. Thanks to him, you can carefully and thinly cut not only cheese, but also various kinds of pastries.

Of course, these are not all types of knives, because there are a lot of them. Not all of them will be necessary for home use or for novice cooks. According to professionals, a true master of cooking does not need millions of knives in one kitchen for different processes. It is enough to have a few accessories in your arsenal to perform your duties with high quality.