What is a screw compressor

Equipment for establishing an air flow having a certain (necessary) pressure is widely used in various industrial sectors. The screw compressors with belt drive to transmit rotation are:

  • the Most simple in manufacturing and operation.
    • Reliable and economical in operation.
      • is Quite versatile and used as a stationary or mobile equipment.

      They use a method called dry (without lubricant in the working chamber) the compression of the air flow, which occurs due to the rotation:

      • drive rotor connected to the drive of the power plant.
        • Slave of the rotor, compressing the air flow in the cavities between the shoulder blades.

        the Occurrence of friction forces between the rotors is excluded due to the established clearances, and the magnitude of the generated pressure in the air stream depends on the speed of their rotation.

        the Classification of screw compressors

        the Developers of the compressor equipment screw principle of the device take into account the possibility of its use not only to compress the air flow and various gases, including related to the category of explosive or flammable substances. Among the various options models choose and note:

          • multi-purpose compressors for compression of different gases alternately.
            • Circulation compressor unit for pumping gas in a closed system.

        To ensure the specified temperature parameters of the pumped gas or air flow, the compressors can be also equipped with water cooling. More smooth and rhythmic pumping of achieving the necessary pressure in the system is ensured through the use of asynchronous electric motors and complex automatic adjustment of the working range.

        to Get more information on the types and the technical characteristics of screw compressors is possible via the website of the company carrying their supply from manufacturers. Listed in the directory of the model correspond to the declared parameters and have quality guarantee.