Outsourcing and recruitment of warehouse staff

The logistical processing of manufactured products and goods sold requires serious expenses for a commercial enterprise. At the same time, employees and warehouse equipment are most efficiently loaded only during peak production situations. And if equipment downtime can be used for preventive maintenance, then workers at any intensity of work continue to receive 100% of their salary. The specialists of the company Lab Service, who:

  1. They will carry out a comprehensive outsourcing of logistics (warehouse) personnel.
  2. They will select the optimal number of employees for various operating modes of the enterprise.

Outsourcing and recruitment services are provided using unique flexible methods and accumulated for years of successful experience. All necessary activities are carried out promptly and in the shortest possible time. Recommendations are provided in case of expansion or reduction of production activities.

Practical solutions

Clients of Labservice do not have to apply to recruitment agencies to find warehouse staff for working and managerial staff vacancies. After the complex outsourcing, the following will be simultaneously selected:

  • Line warehouse personnel.
  • Operators of stationary and mobile equipment available in the warehouse.
  • Foremen and shift supervisors .

Together with the recommendations and figures of the calculations carried out, a team of employees fully prepared to perform production tasks will arrive at the customer's warehouse terminal. Each of them passes a preliminary test for professional suitability, is fully familiar with their duties and staffing.

For more detailed information and examples of positive results achieved as a result of the activities carried out after complex outsourcing, please visit the official website of Labservice”. Consultation of interested customers is carried out by the manager by phone or through social network messengers. Services are provided on a contractual basis. The cost is negotiated on an individual basis, taking into account the volumes and specifics of the work of the customer's enterprise.