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Alloy steel supplies

Metal rolling
Alloy steel supplies

High-quality metal with unique mechanical properties is essential for many types of production. The company Meridian-Logistic has established cooperation with the best manufacturers of European alloys to deliver products to the territory of their country. Thanks to a well-thought-out transport network, the cost of rental increases insignificantly, allowing manufacturers to produce competitive products within their country.

What brands does the transport company work with

Long-term cooperation with manufacturers and the fulfillment of all obligations makes the company in the eyes of manufacturers and suppliers of a reliable partner. The supplier's services are used not only by domestic manufacturers of metal goods, but also by factories on almost the entire Asian continent. The main brands with which close cooperation is maintained are:

  1. Swebor — a wide range of rolled products with a unique alloy composition.
  2. SIJ — standard products that strictly comply with European quality standards.
  3. SSAB - especially large batches of alloy steel.
  4. Dillinger - a manufacturer with an impressive history and technical capabilities.

Each brand has its own, unique advantages that make it a leader in its narrow category. Delivery of ordered products throughout Russia is carried out using the most profitable transport, depending on the location of the end user.

Additional supplier options

The transport company is not limited to rolled steel, which in itself in demand in every region of the country. Thanks to cooperation with other manufacturers of demanded, industrial goods, it is possible to establish a production process, or bring existing developments to a whole new level. The company has the ability to deliver the following types of products from Europe:

  1. Wear-resistant steel for the production of cutting tools.
  2. Specific film and chemicals for non-destructive testing.
  3. Welding wire for making critical welds.
  4. Other, rare goods that are not produced in their own country.

The supplier company is proud to have established the safest and most cost-effective supply route. All ordered goods will be delivered to the customer within the strictly allotted time frame. Even if it is located in the eastern part of the country.

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