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Scope of application and advantages of hot-deformed pipe

Metal rolling

Hot-deformed pipe has many advantages. Read the article to get acquainted with them and find out their scope.

Scope of application and advantages of hot-deformed pipe

When installing critical pipelines and structures, special attention is paid to the elements used. They must withstand high pressure and possible mechanical stress. As a rule, hot-deformed pipe, manufactured by hot rolling, meets similar requirements. The absence of a weld increases the tightness and reduces the likelihood of cracking during operation. It is worth getting acquainted with their purpose and advantages in advance in order to evaluate the possibility of using them in the manufacture of a specific structure.

Scope of application

Hot-deformed pipe is produced using a special technology. The formation of a product occurs when heated to a sufficiently high temperature, which entails certain energy investments. Due to this, such rolled products are more expensive than cold-worked ones, but have higher performance properties. Due to this, the choice in its favor is made when installing high-pressure lines intended for transporting various liquids and substances in a gaseous state. In some situations, it is used as a load-bearing element.

Most often, hot-deformed pipe is used in:

  • the oil and gas industry, where it is used not only for the installation of pipeline systems, but also for various exploration works;
  • chemical industry, which involves the active use of various aggressive substances found in both liquid and gaseous states;
  • construction industry, where hot-deformed pipe is used for installation of pile or pile-screw foundation, becomes a supporting element when installing fences of various types and sizes.

High strength characteristics make rolled steel in demand when installing water and gas supply systems. The choice in its favor is made if the system will be operated under sufficiently high pressure, but at the same time it is necessary to guarantee the tightness of the products and a long service life. The hot-deformed pipe, manufactured in accordance with regulatory requirements, fully meets the requirements for it.


A special production technology gives such rolled products many advantages. The main ones are usually considered to be:

  • high tightness, thanks to which you don’t have to worry about accidental release of the transported medium into the environment;
  • the ability to withstand significant mechanical stress and load, which allows them use in the installation of pressure systems;
  • long service life;
  • preservation of geometry when transporting hot liquid;
  • corrosion resistance during operation in fairly severe conditions.

The website https://stalsnabnn.ru/ contains additional information about hot-deformed pipe. Read the information published here if you still have questions and want to find answers to them.

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