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Selection of knives by steel grade


Each steel grade has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Selection of knives by steel grade

When choosing a knife for professional use, it is important to pay attention to a number of factors. The most important criterion is the grade of steel that underlies the blade. You can find out what grades of steel for knives are used from this article.

How to choose a knife depending on the grade of steel?

A hunting knife should not only be practical and easy to use, but also durable. To do this, it is necessary to give preference to high-quality steel grades. Steel must have wear resistance properties in order to easily cut meat, wood, wool, etc. 

What grades of steel are used in professional knife models. Answering this question, let's consider the main steel grades:

  1. 95X18 - steel, which is characterized by high strength properties and resistance to corrosion.
  2. 65x13 - the most popular grade for professional models knives, because it is characterized by high strength, low maintenance and resistance to corrosion.
  3. 9ХС - this steel does not require maintenance. At the same time, it is easy to clean it from contaminants of any complexity.

The above steel grades are made in Russia. They have managed to prove themselves well in the field of knife production. In addition, there are steel grades made in China, Japan, and America. They are also widely used for the production of professional knives.

Important points when choosing a steel knife

As you know, each grade of steel has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it is difficult for an ordinary person to choose a good knife for a specific task. To do this, you need to pay attention to a number of basic criteria, including sharpness retention, strength, corrosion resistance, ease of sharpening, blade geometry, heat treatment and others. 

So, the ease of sharpening directly depends on the hardness of the alloy. It is important to pay attention to the geometry of the blade. This simplifies the use of the blade and makes it easier to cut food and things. The knife blade can be straight, curved, etc. When choosing, you should pay attention to the tasks that you plan to perform with the knife. 

The purpose of using a steel knife can be processing, cutting, boning, slicing, etc. The intended use depends on the profile and length of the blade, as well as the type of handle. Thanks to the choice of parameters, you can choose the optimal knife model.

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