Features of sheet metal rolling

In order to give the sheet blank a round shape, the industry uses special equipment. The modern rolling machine copes with the task in the best possible way. But, the technology has its own characteristics. The deformation of the metal should be carried out smoothly so as not to disturb the main structure of the workpiece.

What is metal rolling for?

In fact, the machine equipment produces the stamping of the workpiece. Special drums during rotation achieve the necessary deformation of the sheet so that it acquires the necessary shape. The process is quite in demand, as it allows you to achieve the necessary bending without the use of more complex technologies. The main consumers should be highlighted:

  • intermediate process for the manufacture of electric-welded pipes;
  • decorative panels in advertising and interiors;
  • to align the metal blank in thickness;
  • Production of complex parts.

Unlike other methods of processing alloys, rolling gives the best result from a technical point of view. The workpiece remains the same in thickness over the entire area of ​​the product. There are no internal cracks or other hidden damage. Metal fatigue does not accumulate due to the high pressure generated by the shafts.

Technical characteristics of the process

The main feature that should definitely be highlighted is that the entire workpiece is involved in the bending process. The contact surface of the rollers is in contact with the metal workpiece. Productivity is reduced, but the rolling machine also has significant advantages:

  1. Minimum maintenance costs for machine tools.
  2. Maximum lifetime of all equipment as a whole.
  3. Small-scale and one-off production is equally available to the customer.
  4. Minimum quantity of rejects in the process of mass rolling of blanks.
  5. A rolling machine is much cheaper than pressing equipment.

The speed of the shafts is set by the operator. Depending on the bare metal or alloys used, the optimum bending speed can be set. In order not to harm the product and not to spend a lot of time on it. Not every stamping equipment has a wide range of settings that are critical for certain types of alloys. Rolling can be done in several directions at once.