Bus from Moscow to Minsk

Traveling by plane is tiring. Therefore, plane tickets are not included in my purchases. Traveling by train in a compartment is another matter. This is an excellent choice in terms of travel and relaxation. But here the regular bus is in the lead in this regard. So, carrier ecolines can arrange for top class travel.

By purchasing a train ticket in a compartment, you protect yourself from other people, get rid of prying eyes, unnecessary and long conversations. Especially mothers with small children will not give rest. In addition to talking, many will want to feed. In any case, you will not be able to rest if you buy a ticket to the sitting carriage. Therefore, you should not save a few extra hundreds. It is worth choosing a separate compartment and enjoying the ride.

About a trip to Belarus by bus

A bus trip to Belarus from Ecolines is comfort first of all. You can buy a ticket in different ways, both on the website and at the station. The bus is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable trip, so you can even sleep in it in peace. You can always access the Internet thanks to Wi fi. You can get a blanket from the conductor in the salon. This means you will definitely not freeze at night. And if you prepare a pillow for your neck in advance, you won't notice how the night goes by.

The socket on the bus will help to recharge the discharged gadget. The bus arrives in Belarus earlier than the specified date. In this case, you almost immediately find yourself in the center. Just 5 minutes to the metro station and you can go in any direction around the city. Thus, the trip will surely go unnoticed and with the maximum level of comfort.