The hands on the clock "doomsday" shifted to 20 seconds closer to midnight

Expert group of scientists, including 13 Nobel laureates, on Thursday, January 23, changed the clock "judgment day" for 20 seconds closer to midnight. Thus humanity is to global catastrophe is only 100 seconds is the least time in the entire history of the existence of the sinister mechanism that counts down the time until the end of the world.

the clock for the First time the "judgment day" was put in the position of 7 minutes to midnight in the distant 1947. The previous worst period in the history of mankind - two minutes to midnight – was recorded in 1953, and then from 2018 to 2019. Farthest from the end of the world mankind was in 1991, when the arrows pulled back by as much as 17 minutes.

this year, scientists took into account the aggravation of the situation in Iran and the middle East in General, the continuation of nuclear weapons tests in North Korea and large-scale climate change.

in addition, scientists have noted the growing number of campaigns of disinformation and false news, provoked by fake videos that poses a serious threat to social cohesion, while the growth of AI weapons such as drones that attack targets without human intervention, creates a new uncertainty.

the Level of danger was exacerbated by the militarization of space and development of hypersonic weapons.

"Now we are celebrating that the world is seconds from disaster, not in hours or minutes," said Rachel Bronson, President of the Bulletin of the atomic scientists, announcing the change.