Alexander Kucherenko: If a company trains employees and does not allow them to apply new knowledge, it teaches them for the external market

A company that has chosen training and development as one of the methods of motivation, and which does not create conditions for employees to apply new knowledge, will soon lose these people. The reason is that people are interested in learning for a specific result, to realize their ambitions, and not for the sake of learning itself. This was stated by Alexander Kucherenko, Director for Sustainable Development of DTEK, speaking at the 10th International IT HR Forum in Kiev.

According to him, to create a successful company you need not only the best people on the market, you need employees who share your values, who will be motivated to work in your company and who will also receive pleasure from this work, not just money.

“According to research, if a company employs highly motivated staff, then their efficiency is on average 28% higher. Some companies focus solely on material motivation, but this is a rather limited tool, because there is always an employer on the market who can offer more favorable conditions. If you do not create in the company something more valuable than money, some idea around which everyone unites, people will leave you, ”A. Kucherenko said.

He stressed that for DTEK such an idea is constant training and development of employees, including top management, and as a result, almost 88% of vacancies in the company are filled by internal candidates.

A. Kucherenko stressed that after acquiring new knowledge, the employee will want to use it in practice. “Therefore, if you taught a person and did not create the conditions for the use of this knowledge, you worked against yourself, because such an employee will most likely leave the company in which he cannot be realized. Figuratively speaking, at your own expense, you prepared a person for the external market, and not for yourself, ”noted the Director for Sustainable Development of DTEK.

In his opinion, training programs for personnel are triggering evolutionary changes throughout the company. “For example, you teach your child, he grows, changes and changes his requirements for you, to which you must respond and which must meet. It's the same with the company. People with new knowledge begin to change the company from the inside, the corporate culture and requirements for management are changing. Therefore, the company itself and its managers must constantly change and transform, "A. Kucherenko said.