Steel or concrete? What material is best to make a vertical tank from?

Vertical tanks are made of steel or concrete. What are their advantages and disadvantages, which material is more practical and why you should give preference to it.

Pros and cons of vertical steel tanks

Steel tanks are used in various industries for storing liquids and gases. They are characterized by high strength and resistance to mechanical damage, which ensures long-term operation. Steel vertical tanks also have such advantages as:

  • tightness. This is important for storing liquids and gases;

  • resistance to high temperatures. Steel tanks can withstand heat, which makes them suitable for storing hot liquids;

  • steel allows you to create large-volume tanks, which is important for the industrial storage of liquid and gaseous materials.

  • Maintainability. Tanks are easily repaired in case of damage.

The disadvantages of steel structures include susceptibility to corrosion, especially when in contact with aggressive liquids, when operating in high humidity conditions. To prevent metal destruction, it is coated with anti-corrosion compounds.

The disadvantage of steel tanks is considered to be high thermal conductivity. It can lead to significant heat losses, which requires additional thermal insulation for storing some liquids.

But it must be taken into account that the operational properties and characteristics of tanks are laid down at the design stage. If the technical documentation is developed taking into account climatic and production conditions, in strict accordance with GOST standards, then the tanks will be in use for many years, and the risk of accidents will be significantly reduced.

Pros and cons of concrete tanks

Concrete tanks are widely used for storing various liquids and gases. They, like their steel counterparts, are highly durable and, with proper use, last for many years. Their advantages also include:

  • corrosion resistance. Unlike steel tanks, concrete tanks are not susceptible to oxidation, which makes them ideal for storing aggressive liquids;

  • low thermal conductivity helps maintain the temperature of the contents, eliminating the need for additional thermal insulation;

  • low thermal conductivity helps maintain the temperature of the contents, eliminating the need for additional thermal insulation;

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  • the cost of constructing concrete tanks can be lower compared to structures made from other materials, especially for large volumes;

  • high mechanical strength, resistance to external influences.

But concrete structures, along with advantages, also have disadvantages. The large weight of the material requires the construction of a powerful foundation. This comes with additional costs that can negate the economic benefit of using concrete for tank construction.

The material is susceptible to cracking, especially when exposed to extreme temperatures or mechanical stress. This can lead to leaks of materials and the need for frequent maintenance.

Construction of concrete tanks requires more time compared to the installation of steel structures. Ensuring complete sealing of concrete structures is a difficult task, especially if there are cracks or defects in the structure. Some chemicals can destroy concrete, which requires the use of special protective coatings.

Taking into account the pros and cons of the materials considered, the optimal solution is to make vertical tanks from steel. But their design, production of structural elements and their installation should be entrusted to certified enterprises with experience in solving such problems.