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Services for testing and calibration of measuring instruments


The process of calibration testing of measuring instruments and tools

Services for testing and calibration of measuring instruments

The production, repair or maintenance of certain types of equipment and technological systems involves the use of certified measuring instruments. Decision-making on the possibility of further operation or the provision of a proprietary quality guarantee depends on the accuracy of their readings. To assess the operating condition and compliance with the standard readings given by the devices, they undergo mandatory calibration. The procedure is performed by specialists of the company RMC "Calibron" on an official contractual basis with the customer.

What is calibration

The process of calibration testing of measuring instruments or tools can be carried out at the request of the user, taking into account the regulations established by the manufacturer (developer) or the activity of operation for their intended purpose. Carried out:

  • In a laboratory equipped with the necessary equipment.
  • Qualified specialists with expert-level licenses.
  • Bringing the readings of a device or instrument to the reference standards established for it standards. 
  • Adjustment, whether adjustment is issued, a conclusion is issued about the impossibility of further use without repair measures.

The difficulty of performing the operation lies in the fact that there is no single calibration method or algorithm for a specific item there is no measuring device. Recommendations can be developed by the company itself, which carries it out on an official licensed basis, by the manufacturer (developer) or by the direct customer (owner).

An important and mandatory condition is that after calibration is carried out and based on the results obtained, the device or instrument is marked brand mark. In the technical passport of the device, an entry is made about the fact of calibration work, indicating the date, position, name of the performer, as well as the controller. 

Free consultation and acceptance of applications

You can get more complete information and familiarize yourself with the conditions for official calibration of measuring instruments using the website of the RMC “Calibron” company. Consultation on all technical and organizational issues is carried out by a full-time specialist of the enterprise. 

The cost of inspection and completion time are discussed with the customer individually. The format for delivery and return of the device after calibration is specified. Guarantees of compliance with all standards established for this area are issued.   

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