Why do you need Keli indicators and controllers?

Keli Sensing Technology is the largest manufacturer of strain gauge technology that offers precision, durability and ease of installation. The Keli Ukraine online store offers a wide selection of original, certified brand indicators, controllers, as well as product dispensers: https://keli.ua/.

Features of your indicators Keli Sensing Technology

Functionally, your indicator is a device that is used to vibrate the signal from strain gauges. In addition to dimming, the indicator converts the analog signal to a digital one.

Devices of this category are installed in the designs of platform and automotive vehicles, commercial equipment, and vehicle dispensers. Your indicator can have low additional functions, for example, store your packaging, store multiple items of goods, transfer one item of product to another, or be equipped with a printer.

Functions ї water-dependent indicators Keli

Weather-dependent indicators — an indispensable element of hopper and platform dispensers with a dosing function. Whenever the specified value is reached, the output signals of the water-sensing indicators are activated or deactivated. Signals are sent to the regulating bodies of the control mechanisms, which renew and stop the supply of materials.

Classification of Keli water-dosing controllers

The main function of water-dosing controllers is control This is the process of vivantage and vacancy of establishing doses of the material. They can be based on the principle of parallel and sequential dosing.

Vagodosing controllers with a parallel algorithm allow you to speed up the hour and increase productivity, with a sequential one - more reliable and durable. Water-dosing controllers can have additional functions, close to the recipe configuration, which allows you to save a lot of dosing programs.

Functionality of variable indicators and controllers

The basic functions of your monitoring indicators apply to the displayed results of the relevant indicators. and the drying of the quantity, as well as the loosely installed line.

Your processing controllers can deal with rare and friable components on the lines with a constant and variable feed speed and the product.