The role of sample coolers in the process of water analysis and purification

Sample coolers are devices used in industry to collect and prepare samples during water analysis. They are used to cool water samples to a certain temperature before chemical or microbiological analysis.

The price of the sample cooler quickly pays for itself. Water in industrial systems can be extremely hot. Of course, you cannot analyze boiling water - but delay is also unacceptable. The problem can be solved by a cooler, which supplies water at the outlet at a suitable temperature.

Operation diagram

The liquid passes through a coil located inside the body of the device. The space between the housing and the coil is filled with a cooling medium - most often water, which is supplied through a separate pipe. The cooling water is constantly renewed - the one that has received heat from the sample is removed from the system.

Due to passing through the cooling coil, the temperature of the liquid at the outlet is significantly lower than at the inlet. The steam condenses and takes a liquid form at the outlet.


  • Increasing measurement accuracy. Temperature affects the chemical composition and physical properties of water. Sample coolers ensure that water samples reach the required temperature before analysis, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

  • Standardization of tests. Many water quality standards and test methods require samples to be analyzed strictly under specific temperature conditions. Coolers help meet these standards by ensuring consistency and comparability of results.

  • Safety and integrity of samples. Some components in water may be unstable at high temperatures. Cooling samples helps maintain their original state and prevents decomposition or changes in composition.

  • Process efficiency. In some cases, cooling samples is necessary to activate or inhibit certain chemical reactions, and these are key aspects in analytical procedures.

The applications of coolers in industry are wide-ranging. In the wastewater industry, they are used to test for contaminants and evaluate the efficiency of treatment plants.

The food and pharmaceutical industries rely on chillers because they are used to check the quality of water used in production processes to ensure they meet standards. cleanliness and safety. In the energy industry, sample coolers are essential for monitoring the quality of water used in boiler and cooling systems.

Sample coolers are an important element of industrial water analysis infrastructure and find application in a variety of industrial sectors. These instruments provide precision, standardization and safety in analysis, helping to protect the environment and improve the efficiency of industrial processes.