Scope of application of electrical steel

Electrical steel (ETS) differs from other alloys in its high magnetic conductivity, which allows its use to reduce current losses due to eddy magnetization reversal by up to 30% and increases the efficiency of equipment.

Special properties are achieved due to the increased silicon content, the molecules of which steels are alloyed with. By reducing specific losses, improving elasticity, acid resistance, and scale resistance, it increases the fragility of the material. To achieve optimal characteristics, its content ranges from 3.0-4.5% for transformer ETS, from 0.8-2.5% for dynamic ETS.

Cold and hot rolling electrical steel

Regardless of the composition of the alloy and the type of rolling, blanks are first made in the form of bars.

Hot-rolled (relay) steels contain 0.5% aluminum and a high proportion of silicon. Hot ingots are rolled through rollers to produce sheets of a certain thickness, which are then cut to size into plates. They have limited use - usually used in the production of generators.

Cold rolled electrical steel differs from hot-rolled steel in having higher magnetic permeability, precise dimensions and a given shape, and has a smooth surface.

Hot-rolled coils are cleaned and passed through mills several times. During processing, a certain direction is selected to increase cell sizes and improve magnetic properties.

Isotropic cold-rolled electrical steels are marked 2011, 2012, etc., anisotropic - 3311, 3404-3409, 3411-3415.

Application of electrical steel

Electrosteel is used in the manufacture of magnetically active components of units and devices:

  • electromagnets,
  • springs,
  • torsion shafts,
  • tape cores,
  • ferroresonant voltage stabilizers,
  • high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, etc.

In transformers, electrical steel increases electrical resistivity and reduces power losses by ⅓, saves metal consumption by up to 20%, and significantly (up to 10%) reduces the weight of large units. The ETS brand indicates its properties and scope of application:

  • production of rotors, MRI machines, hair trimmers - 1211, 1212;
  • plates for 3-phase motors - 1311, 1312 and further in order;
  • core plates, transformers, motors 400 Hz with power from 1 mW - 1411, 1412, 2411, 3411 and others.

Select the grade of electrical steel Consultants from Alfa-Steel will help with the specified technical characteristics. The online store offers a large assortment of certified ETS of its own production in rolls and tapes. Delivery is carried out to all regions of Russia.