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What additives are used in modern antifreezes and how they extend the life of the system


Anti-corrosion substances are able to keep heat transfer surfaces clean, preventing the formation of sediment and rust

What additives are used in modern antifreezes and how they extend the life of the system

When it comes to modern antifreezes for industrial systems, additives become an important factor in their efficiency and durability - special additives that are added to the composition to improve the properties of the coolant. While the conventional type performs only basic cooling or heating functions, additives provide corrosion protection, prevent the formation of scale and foam, and also help keep all system components in working order. Let's figure out what additives are used when replacing antifreeze in the cooling system and how they help extend the life of the system.

Anti-corrosion additives: protecting metals from destruction

The first category is anti-corrosion additives, which are designed to protect the metal components of the system from destruction. Cooling and heating systems often use a variety of metals—steel, aluminum, copper—and each is subject to varying degrees of corrosion. Anti-corrosion components create a thin protective film on the surface of metals, which prevents contact of the coolant with the metal and thereby reduces the risk of rust.

In addition, modern anti-corrosion additives can prevent electrochemical corrosion, which occurs when different metals interact. This is especially important for complex industrial systems where different materials are encountered, and even a small destruction of one element can lead to serious consequences for the entire set of equipment. The use of high-quality anti-corrosion additives helps to significantly increase the service life of the system and reduce repair costs. Experts will tell you more about this https://hstream.ru/ .

We should not forget that anti-corrosion substances can keep heat transfer surfaces clean, preventing the formation of sediment and rust. Clean surfaces contribute to effective heat transfer and, accordingly, energy saving.

Anti-foam and anti-scale additives: combating bubbles and deposits

The second important category is anti-foam and anti-scale additives. Foam formed in the coolant can become a serious problem for equipment. It interferes with normal heat exchange, reduces the efficiency of cooling or heating, and in addition can cause mechanical damage to pumps and other elements of the system. Anti-foam additives reduce the surface tension of the liquid, which prevents the formation of foam and allows equipment to operate more stably.

Anti-scale elements work to prevent the formation of solid deposits in the form of scale on the internal surfaces of pipes and heat exchangers. Such accumulations not only reduce the efficiency of heat transfer, but can also lead to overheating of individual components and their subsequent destruction. The use of anti-scale additives helps keep the system clean and prevents scale formation, even when using water with a high salt content.

It is important to understand that choosing the right anti-foam and anti-scale additives directly affects the performance and longevity of the system. The use of such additives in modern antifreezes makes them much more resistant to aggressive operating conditions.

Additives for regulating acidity: pH balance under control

The third category is additives that regulate the pH level of the coolant. Maintaining the correct pH level is critical to protecting the entire system, as pH levels that are too low or too high can lead to problems such as accelerated corrosion or failure of seals and gaskets. Special buffer additives help stabilize the pH of the coolant, maintaining it within optimal limits.

Buffer additives work as follows: they react to changes in the acidity of the environment and compensate for them, keeping the pH level within safe limits. This helps prevent aggressive effects on system materials and extends their service life. For example, when acidity increases, such additives bind excess hydrogen ions, preventing the destruction of metals and other materials.

A stable pH value prevents the formation of solid deposits and corrosive products, which contributes to the longevity of the entire system. Therefore, using antifreeze with acid control additives is not only the right choice for protecting equipment, but also a way to significantly reduce maintenance costs.

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