Shut-off valves: definition and main functions

Shut-off valves: definition and main functions

Shut-off valves are an important element in pipeline systems and technical installations. It is used to regulate and control the flow of liquids or gases. Performs several key functions in various industries, including energy, oil and gas industry, water supply, heating and others.

In this article we will look at the definition of shut-off valves and its main functions.

What is a shut-off valve fittings

Shut-off valveis a general term that covers various devices and components designed to regulate and control the flow of liquids and gases in pipelines and systems. These devices may include a variety of valves, gate valves, gates, gates and other components that may be mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic.

The primary purpose of shutoff valves is to be able to stop or regulate the flow of liquids or gases in pipelines. This is necessary in case of carrying out repair work, isolating sections of the network, changing the operating mode of the system and for other purposes.

The main functions of shut-off valves

Shut-off valves perform several key functions, including:

  • Stopping a thread. One of the main functions is the ability to completely or partially stop the flow of liquids or gases in the pipeline. This allows you to carry out repairs, replace or maintain equipment without having to shut down the entire system.

  • Flow control. The devices are also used to regulate the flow intensity. This allows you to maintain a certain level of pressure or flow in the system in accordance with the requirements of the process.

  • Isolation of areas. Shut-off valves allow you to isolate certain sections of the pipeline to prevent the spread of liquids or gases in the event of an accident or malfunction.

  • Safety. An important function of these devices is to provide protection. It can be used to quickly turn off the flow in case of a threat of an accident.

  • Reverse. Some types of shut-off valves are designed to operate in both directions of flow, which allows you to change the direction of movement of liquids or gases in the system.

Shut-off valves control and regulate the flow of liquids and gases in pipelines and equipment. The variety of its types allows you to effectively manage various processes and ensure the safety and reliability of systems. The design and selection of suitable devices plays an important role in ensuring the efficient operation of technical systems and processes in various industries.