Crane hook
As you know, overhead crane in the standard version is completed with a hook, a lifting device. It is this device that allows you to hook on almost any object, except for specific ones. So, it is impossible to grab with a hook, for example, a container without lugs; for such loads, a special load grip is required. However, for most objects, a hook is sufficient, and therefore it is considered the most versatile and sought-after device.
When choosing the presented device, it is very important to pay attention to the manufacturing method. If you need an inexpensive hook for moving relatively small and light loads, then you can choose cast models. They have a small margin of safety, as well as durability. Such models can be called an economy option.
If it is necessary to transport heavy, bulky goods, that is, a high load on the load gripping device is expected, then a plate hook will be the ideal solution. It is produced from several types of steel at once, due to which the device acquires maximum strength and durability. True, and the cost is appropriate.
Forged models are a compromise option. They are more reliable and durable than their cast counterparts, but not as expensive as plate-type ones. "The golden mean", and it is suitable for most cases.
Of course, it is necessary to take into account the design of the load-gripping body of the overhead crane. Again, here you need to build on the characteristics of the objects that will have to be transported, working conditions and other factors.
Structurally, crane hooks are of the following types:
- Rotating;
- Panty;
- Chain;
- Two-horned;
- Widened.
This is not a complete list, but the most common hook designs are presented here. For lifting and moving objects of complex shapes, hooks with a lock have been developed. Such a lock significantly reduces the risk that the load will jump out of the hook and fall.
Despite some simplicity of design and solid dimensions, hooks also have a certain service life. Deterioration and natural aging of the metal, which may not appear externally, cannot be ruled out. This means that over time, any load handling device needs to be replaced. And not only it, but also its elements, in this case a hook suspension, which is necessary to secure the device to the hoisting rope.