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Gas mask filter classification


For a price reference by the class of the gas mask filter, the operating conditions should be taken into account. If it has the maximum values ​​by class and exceeds the specific weight of 900gr.

Gas mask filter classification

The classification of the filter for the gas mask is indicated in the abbreviation. In addition to the name of the manufacturing plant, types of filters for a gas mask, they have a numerical and an alphabetic designation, where the letters are responsible for the type of environment from which the filter protects, and the numbers indicate the level of protection against this material.

Hazardous Substance Labeling

Will this filter be able to protect against one or another type of toxic substances, it is indicated by letter marking and has an additional color designation.

  • A and AX - has a brown color and protects against organic gases and vapors of the following substances: benzene, butylamide, toluene, xylene, etc. with a boiling point above 65C, and kerosene, acetone, isobutane gasoline and dimethylether with a boiling point above 65C;

  • B - has a gray color and means protection against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, chlorine, iodine, ozone, etc.;

  • E - yellow, protects against acid gases and vapors, sulfur dioxide;

  • K - green, protects against ammonia and its derivatives;

In addition to the above common reagents, there is additional filtration, indicated additionally, without a class:

  • Blue NO - nitrogen oxide and dioxide;

  • Red Hg - mercury vapor;

  • Purple SX - special connections;

  • White P - aerosol particles of steam or fog;

  • CO - carbon monoxide;

  • D - special marking informing about testing with dolomite thread, appropriate when testing in dusty conditions;

What are the levels of protection of the protection level

If there is protection against any of the above, after the letter is followed by a digital designation, there are three classes of protection in total:

Class 1 - dustiness, large particles of matter;

Class 2 - smoke, fog, dense concentration of small particles;

Grade 3 - fine dispersion, viruses, the most dense type of filter.

As a rule, each of the filters for a gas mask has several levels of protection against different types of reagents, all of this is indicated in an abbreviation, for example:

А1В1Е1К1 - where А 1 - organic vapors and gases with temperatures above 65 С protection level 1 (low level from large particles), В 1 - inorganic gases of level 1 (large particles), Е 1 - sulfur dioxide and acidic media level first, K 1 - ammonia compounds level one.

For a price reference by the class of the gas mask filter, the operating conditions should be taken into account. If it has the maximum values ​​for the classes and exceeds the specific gravity of 900gr. - it is necessary to use a hose. Following the link you can familiarize yourself with the current assortment of goods on this subject.

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