Refueling powder fire extinguishers

A lot of attention is paid to fire safety techniques. Not surprisingly, not only in factories, but also in the most ordinary office, you can see a variety of fire extinguishers. Powdered counterparts are especially popular. The versatility of the composition allows you to cope with numerous fires, including electrical wiring. The company Teharsenal is often asked with a question, refueling of this particular type of fire protection.

If the product is about to expire

No chemical composition can remain as effective as possible for a long time. Over time, the properties of the powder formulation decrease their reliability. The fire extinguisher must be replaced or refilled with new mixture. This must be done in the following cases:

  1. If the cylinder was used as directed.
  2. The expiry date shown on the label has expired.
  3. The check showed an inconsistency in the composition.
  4. Diagnostics showed a cylinder malfunction.

Important: Do not rely solely on optimal storage conditions. They help the overall performance of the device, but they do not help to keep the powder formulation in an initially effective state.

How often fire extinguishers are refilled

Powder analogues have many advantages, and one significant disadvantage. The extinguishing agent tends to gradually clump into one lump, unable to be effectively sprayed into a powder jet to extinguish a fire. Recharge is determined by annual diagnostics:

- the balloon is disassembled to diagnose the substance;

- its basic chemical and physical properties are checked;

- in case of discrepancy, the cylinder is refilled.

Important: fire extinguishers used by car drivers are required to undergo this procedure once every two years if the cylinder is stored in the trunk. Salon storage requires inspection once a year.

Where to refill

You should never rely on luck. A fire extinguisher can be required at almost any time. Products must always be in perfect condition. High-quality and reliable refueling of fire extinguishers can be carried out only at authorized points. In companies that specialize in this type of service. In addition, specialists will be able to recognize in time critical damage to the cylinder and the spray mechanism.