Cutoff grinders
Kutovі grinders with a ring grinder: these grinders may have a ring grinder, which kind of coristuvach can vicorist to turn on that grinder grinder. As a rule, the stinks of dogovichnіshі, nizh kutovі podshіnіshі mashiny s shovel remikách.
Great corner grinders: these wheel grinders can make a larger diameter and are more suitable for important tasks, such as cutting heavy metal or concrete.
Popular brandy grinders :
- Bosch Bulgarians
- Bulgarian Makita
- Bulgarian Metabo
- Bulgarian women of Miluokі
- Bulgarian women of Dewalt
How to choose an angle grinder
When choosing an angle grinder, the next step is to get a sprat factors:
Material type, which you sanding time: for different materials used іbnі raznі types of abrasive kіl. Please change your mind when choosing a sanding machine, as in the case of the type of material, with which you work. Help you choose the type of grinding wheel that is best suited for work. To choose the life of life, it is more accessible to the transferred vikoristannya.
Rozmir ta vaga. If you will beat the angle grinder for a long time or in a closed space, take a look at the model of a smaller size and easier. p> brand reputation. Protect the reputation of the brand and read the reviews of other buyers, to take into account the statements about the quality and reliability of the grinder.
Safety functions. Joke the grinder with its own mechanisms and other security functions, which will help reduce the risk of unfortunate fluctuations.