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How often should an elevator be serviced?

Transport technologies
How often should an elevator be serviced?

The technical condition of any mechanism depends on proper operation and timely replacement of worn parts. Various designs of elevator equipment on the website https://www.gomellift.by/ are designed for different loads. For example, an elevator in a residential building is prohibited from being used for more than 25 years from the date of its installation. But, the lifting mechanism can become unusable much earlier if you do not give it the appropriate attention.

What is included in maintenance

Any elevator equipment has its own critical loads, for which it was designed by engineers. Mechanisms cannot serve indefinitely. But, it is quite possible to extend their service life. Provided that the following work will be carried out by specialists with experience and the necessary tools: >

  • Timely removal of all dirt, dust and foreign objects.
  • Lubrication of rubbing components and mechanisms, replacement of liquid oil in gearboxes.
  • Adjustment of the opening of doors and other actuators.
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    As you use, especially everyday, elevator equipment will constantly need maintenance. If you carry out operations regularly, inspection and adjustment does not take much time. Competent design of elevators at https://www.gomellift.by/services/proektirovanie/ eliminates their constant critical load during operation. Both in the domestic and industrial sectors.

    Frequency of maintenance

    Each manufacturer of elevator equipment independently recommends a maintenance schedule for certain components and mechanisms. Depending on the gearboxes, blocks, counterweights and actuators used, the elevator may require completely different operating conditions. The following terms should be highlighted as standard:

    1. once a month, performance check;
    2. 4 times a year, the arrival of a specialized specialist;
    3. annual, full equipment maintenance;
    4. unscheduled, emergency, in the event of an elevator stop.

    Any unscheduled situation that occurs in a building requires stopping the operation of elevator equipment and checking it for absence of defects. Information on the site https://www.gomellift.by/contacts/ will allow more determine exactly the need for maintenance and specific terms, without reference to the manufacturer of elevator equipment.

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