Sale of scrap metal at auction

Secondary raw materials of manufacturing enterprises can also be a source of income. If it is sorted by type of metal, appearance and many secondary characteristics, there are no difficulties with its sale. Sale of scrap metal of mixed type, possible only at the lowest rate. In this case, you can try to sell secondary raw materials at auction, earning much more than the banal sale at the price of ferrous metals.

What falls into the category of scrap metal?

Any metal structures, worn mechanisms, shavings from under the machine and much more that can not be used for its intended purpose. Dozens of tons of such residues can be accumulated at production plants in just one year. Most often in mixed scrap metal occurs:

1. Old, completely worn cast iron pipes.
2. Trimmings of non-ferrous and ferrous metal wires.
3. Worn mechanisms of various alloys.
4. Separate units of mechanisms and metal structures.
5. Stainless steel and colored shavings.

Important: due to the fact that the amount of a metal can be estimated only indirectly, the sale by auction will allow the company without the use of additional paid labor to sell raw materials at maximum cost. In addition, the company saves a lot of time and instantly frees up space for other purposes.

The main advantages of the auction

The price of mixed scrap will increase on its own, as the interest of buyers. The more detailed the description, the availability of photos or the ability to pre-look at mixed secondary resources, increases the chance to sell them at the best price. The final price will be affected by the following factors:

- the presence of precious non-ferrous metals;
- the possibility of loading the equipment of the enterprise;
- convenient loading on trucks or in cars;
- calculation for the actual weight of mixed scrap.

Consumers of mixed scrap, in turn, can buy the necessary raw materials at a slightly reduced cost. In order to later independently sort it and resell it to secondary and primary raw materials smelting plants.