Protection of intellectual property of companies

Industrial espionage is not just a detective plot of a good or bad novel. Stealing data from employees' computers is a very real prospect for almost any young or experienced, but rapidly growing business. Protection Axonim is able to minimize the risk to almost zero percent. Special protected computers are good at resisting remote hacking and direct brute-force attacks.

Are computers so well protected

Special computers have additional protection in harsh environments with high humidity, temperature extremes and dusty environments. It is much more difficult to accidentally damage them during everyday use. But, an industrial tablet or desktop computer, in addition to physical advantages, is also protected at the hardware level:

  1. An attempt was made to read data using other devices.
  2. Physical jailbreak to get to the hard drive.
  3. Remote penetration of the data array.
  4. Unauthorized entry by guessing a password.

All of these attempts will not be successful, and will not allow attackers to steal important data used for the operation of an enterprise or a single unit.

Unique operating system

Unusual software, one of the best ways to protect information from theft. It will be very difficult to identify it on another device that works according to a fundamentally different scheme. The system can be configured to recognize multiple users if the computer is used by several workers at once. The security system also includes:

  • unique passwords associated with accounts;
  • external storage modules;
  • using biometric data for access;
  • additional user authentication methods.

Reliable protection with several barriers to accessing the computer stops intruders. It is enough to make a mistake at one of the verification stages, and hacking has to start from the very beginning. In addition, the system can be configured so that the user has only a few attempts to enter the correct data.