Scientists have found what metals most "like" coronavirus

Caused a global pandemic of 2019 coronavirus-nCoV are able to remain active on metal surfaces up to three days, said study the National Institute of health in Hamilton. Thus the highest "survival rate" of the virus shows on the surface of stainless steel. At the same time, the researchers emphasize that they have not received evidence that people can become infected by touching a metal surface.

"the Results of the study confirm the value of the hygiene recommendations of the world health organization. No matter how simple and elementary it may seem to the Council to wash their hands, you need to follow. In day, we take about fifteen unconsciously touch the face. What if on hand at the moment of touching the nose or eyes will be the virus that was left on the door handle infected humans?" said Julie Fisher, a Professor of Microbiology at Georgetown University.

Earlier it was reported that German scientists have examined the "survival rate" of other human coronaviruses such as SARS coronavirus (SARS), coronavirus, middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) or the endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV). According to them, all at room temperature can survive on such surfaces as metal, glass, or plastic up to 9 days.

to Destroy the viruses by using the surface treatment solutions of ethanol, hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite. Scientists also called a compulsory measure is frequent hand washing and wiping of items, which may have had contact with infected people.