Industrial robot production in China up 19.1% in 2020

The volume of production of industrial robots in China in 2020 increased by 19.1% in annual terms, according to official data.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Informatization of the PRC (IIP), the growth in production volumes indicates an improvement in market demand and acceleration of intellectual modernization of enterprises.

According to statistics from the department, the operating income of large manufacturers of industrial robots in China over the past year increased by 6% compared to 2019.

Meanwhile, the robots for the service industry posted outstanding results: the operating income of large enterprises in the industry reached 10.31 billion yuan (about 1.6 billion USD), which is 31.3% more than in 2019 year.

China is committed to modernizing its labor-intensive manufacturing sector through technological innovation to meet the challenges of shrinking working-age population and rising labor costs.